Monday, May 24, 2010

Child Shyness And Self Esteem

Are there any connections between shyness and self esteem?

Shyness according scientists is often due to genetic predisposition,however many psychologists will point to strong experiential factors. The latter of the two can often be explained by past experiences of rejection or fears of future failure.

Whatever reason for those who suffer from shyness;kids or adults,it can destroy or miss out some great relationship if it's not control properly.For children and teens who suffer from shyness,there are three major steps that parents can take to help:
  1. Highlighting past successes
  2. Provide opportunities for new successes
  3. Get to the root of the problem
Reminders of past successes
Highlighting past successes doesn’t have to mean just verbally reminding a person that they did something very very well. It could be a small success or great try for a new things.

Opportunities for new successes
Just as you wouldn’t take a child who is afraid of heights up to the top of the Empire State Building, it’s not recommended that you force shy kids into unfamiliar social situations. Your best bet is to introduce them to familiar settings and activities, such as family events, close friends’ birthday parties or play dates in the comfort of their own home.

Building social confidence doesn’t just come from interaction, however. It’s largely based on self-confidence, which can be increased through solo successes in art, music, grades, individual athletics, writing and responsibilities (taking care of an older sibling or pet).

Look for opportunities to help your child soar at whatever he/she does – even if it has to start at home. Once your child hits a major milestone (such as completing an essay and entering it into a contest), be sure to praise his/her effort rather than the final result. In the case of the essay, for example, you could share the piece with friends and family and ask them to send complimentary responses, or post the piece on an online community portal or personal blog.

The root of the problem
Sometimes, shyness is the result of a pervasive problem that may or may not exist outside the child’s control. Bullies, cliques or an overly critical parent or sibling can lead a child to devalue his/her worth and accomplishments. Look for ways to foster discussion with children to help determine the cause of their shyness. Questions like, “What makes you feel sad?” or “When was the last time you were mad?” may spark a conversation that leads to some discovery.

One often-overlooked correlation is that shyness is often paralleled by low self-esteem due to slower (not lower) performance.

While some may argue that slow performance is a result of low self-esteem.

Scientists and psychologists now know that more often than not, self-esteem can be increased by increasing the speed at which results are attained. In fact, even smart kids tend to suffer a decrease of confidence when they don’t achieve their results (such as test-taking or homework) as quickly or easily as their classmates.

Whatever the cause, shyness is a common condition and shouldn’t be treated as a plague. Many of us grow out of it and those that don’t can still go on to build healthy relationships and careers. Still, if there’s a non-genetic reason behind a person's low self-esteem, getting to the root of the problem could me watching him/her transform.

Ref:Overcoming shyness: Helping your child excel in school and life
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Kids And Adult Shy Factors

 Why are you so shy?How often do you meet shy people? or are you one of the shy guy?What caused a person shy?What's the solution ?How do you get rid of it?Let's start by knowing the course that can make a person shy.

Shyness is usually caused by a combination of factors, some of which include:
  • Genetics Some children are born with a tendency towards shyness; they are unusually sensitive as babies and find new situations upsettingShy parents
  • If you are a naturally shy person, you will model your own shy behaviour to your child who may begin to act in the same manner
  • Attachment issues If your child isn't strongly attached to you, she may lack the confidence to go into new settings. On the flip side, if you tend to be over-protective, you may teach her to be anxious about new situations
  • Isolation Children who have had little opportunity to play with their peers, have often missed out on learning the social skills they need to be confident about interacting with new friends
  • Criticism For children with tendencies towards shyness, being jollied along or being bullied by a parent into behaving in a more confident manner will only heighten her anxiety about social situations
  • Labelling Describing your child as 'shy' in her presence, will only make things worse. Not only does it provide an emotional crutch for her, but you're also communicating with her that you think there's something wrong with her. And this will only make her feel more anxious about her shyness
  • Fear of Separation Many children suffer from a sort of 'shyness' during the toddler years. This is usually temporary - and quite normal - and stems more from separation anxiety than true shyness.


Most babies between about 6 months and 3 years old are "shy" in that they are afraid of strangers and likely to cling to the people they know well. This is a normal part of developing trust in a scary world. By the time they are three or four most children want to join in and play with others, at least some of the time.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Self Esteem Clothing

You can improve self-esteem through clothing choices.Know the effect of clothing will effect your image perception and thus enhance your body image.Nice dressing code help you building up your confident in front of people.Clothing can therefore have a very positive or negative effect on ones self esteem and how we perceive that others see us.

baby Self Esteem Clothing Do clothes affect their self esteem?
Let face it,clothing and fashion is an important part of our identity and has been found to give us a sense of well being and an added quality of life.

Learn the concept of a self-esteem Clothing and make better clothing decisions can significantly improve your self confident.But you really shouldn't 100% relay on what your wear,if your self-esteem is tied to the fact that you have the coolest outfit, then your self-esteem is thrashed.

Talking about true self-esteem,instead of having cool clothes,self confident is one of the biggest part of devolop your delf esteem, beleiving you can do anything; you can have anything, or be anything that you wish to be.

 Clothing is an important part on our self esteem.I am not talking about revealing clothing just for the attention .Wear it because you like it and you feel comfortable in it. Improve your Your inner self and dressing up yourself with cool fashion.Be kindness, consideration, and compassion.It's a wonderful world .;)

Self Esteem Clothing

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